(Edited for length only, no content has been changed.)
DEFINITIONS 11. Essential Activities.
Individuals may leave their home or residence to perform any of the following:
Outdoor activity. To engage in outdoor activity, including visiting public and state parks, provided individuals comply
with Social Distancing Requirements as defined below. Certain types of work. To perform work at Essential
Businesses or Operations or to otherwise carry out activities specifically permitted in this Order, including Minimum
Basic Operations and obtaining supplies needed to work from home.
- Essential Businesses and Operations.
EMERGENCY ORDER #34 Interim Order to Turn the Dial
b. Outdoor recreational rentals. Minimum Basic Operations may include rental of recreational equipment including but
not limited to boats, kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, golf carts, snowmobiles, and ATVs. Staff within the business or
facility must be limited to one person in a room or confined space at a time, including a car 2 or truck. Rentals must be
paid for on-line or by phone. The business must schedule pick-up and drop-off ahead of time to ensure compliance with
Social Distancing Requirements as defined in section 16 of the Safer at Home Order. Customers must remain outside the
business or facility. Rented equipment must be cleaned after each use. Suppliers to non-essential businesses and supply
chains for non-essential businesses are non-essential and shall only operate under Minimum Basic Operations to provide
goods or services to other non-essential businesses operating under this section
- Essential Travel.
Individuals engaged in any Essential Travel must comply with Social Distancing Requirements to the extent possible. For
the purposes of this Order, Essential Travel includes:
a. Any travel related to the provision of or access to Essential Activities, Special Situations, Essential
Governmental Functions, Essential Businesses and Operations, or Minimum Basic Operations. - Social Distancing Requirements. For purposes of this Order, Social Distancing Requirements includes maintaining
social distancing of six (6) feet between people; washing hands with soap and water for at least 15 20 seconds as
frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer; covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands);
regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces; not shaking hands; and following all other public health recommendations issued
by DHS and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.